

Book review and video

Hi everyone!

I found the video that summarizes pretty much everything I have read through the book so far. So, watch this video before you move on to my review ☺︎

Did you get some ideas what sugar does to your body?

In chapter 2 in the book I chose, the author gives 140 reasons why sugar is ruining your health. 
The biggest thing is that sugar can cause a lot of diseases. Diabetes, many types of cancer, asthma, osteoporosis, and many many more. Like, it could destroy your whole body. However, what I was surprised more, because I wasn't expecting to see it, was that sugar can even cause attention deficit disorder in children, fatigue, and depression. And it can lead people to commit a crime. I was shocked!!

Even though I'm reading the book which is saying how bad sugar is to your health, I can't live without sugar so far...:P 


Introducing my book

I'm Aoi and  I'm going to introduce the book that I have chosen for this food class in this post. 

"Suicide by Sugar"
Written by Nancy Appleton and G.N. Jacobs in 2009. 

I was gonna read different book from library, but I didn't feel 100 percent right about reading that book. So I looked for the another book about something I was really interested in. Then I finally found this book.

Sugar has always been (and I think will be) everywhere around me. I've made a lot of pastries and sweet foods since I was little and that is one of my favorite things to do. And I work at cake shop now. I love eating cakes and stuff and I feel like I say "I want something sweet!" a lot. But I've known that too much sugar is bad for my health even though I didn't know what exactly it does to my body.

So I decided to read this book to learn how sugar can effect my body and to think how I'm gonna live with sugar.

The book starts with a fact that Nancy Appleton, the author of this book, was sugarholic which means she was addicted to sugar. First, I was surprised because I didn't know the existence of "sugarholic" and I thought craving for sugar was something that many people had. And then she explains what sugar addiction is and what happens in your body when you eat too much sugar.

I hope I can use knowledge that I will get from this book in my life. And I also hope I won't hate sugar when I finish reading this book!