

Book review and video

Hi everyone!

I found the video that summarizes pretty much everything I have read through the book so far. So, watch this video before you move on to my review ☺︎

Did you get some ideas what sugar does to your body?

In chapter 2 in the book I chose, the author gives 140 reasons why sugar is ruining your health. 
The biggest thing is that sugar can cause a lot of diseases. Diabetes, many types of cancer, asthma, osteoporosis, and many many more. Like, it could destroy your whole body. However, what I was surprised more, because I wasn't expecting to see it, was that sugar can even cause attention deficit disorder in children, fatigue, and depression. And it can lead people to commit a crime. I was shocked!!

Even though I'm reading the book which is saying how bad sugar is to your health, I can't live without sugar so far...:P 

6 件のコメント:

  1. I find it quite frustrating when eating out, because I try to find food that has little to no sugar in it, but the outcome is that there is at the least, one tablespoon of sugar!
    Btw I love the choice of you video! The art was so cute and it was really easy to understand!

  2. This video is so easy for everyone to understand the fearfulness of sugar! And the illustration is so cute:)

  3. Some words in this video were difficult for me to understand the meaning, however, animation could help me to guess the words' meaning(^^) You chose good video, I think. Many people like sweetness foods and they contain a lot of sugar. So I think we need to rethink our eating habit.

  4. I like this video☺︎ It is cute but at the same time, the content is serious.

  5. It's a good idea to post a video which is easy to understand. Although there are some medical terms, I could understand why sugar is bad to our health.

  6. I like this video because it tells us how serious we take too much sugar by very cute picture! I'm going to take care.
