

Introducing my book

I'm Aoi and  I'm going to introduce the book that I have chosen for this food class in this post. 

"Suicide by Sugar"
Written by Nancy Appleton and G.N. Jacobs in 2009. 

I was gonna read different book from library, but I didn't feel 100 percent right about reading that book. So I looked for the another book about something I was really interested in. Then I finally found this book.

Sugar has always been (and I think will be) everywhere around me. I've made a lot of pastries and sweet foods since I was little and that is one of my favorite things to do. And I work at cake shop now. I love eating cakes and stuff and I feel like I say "I want something sweet!" a lot. But I've known that too much sugar is bad for my health even though I didn't know what exactly it does to my body.

So I decided to read this book to learn how sugar can effect my body and to think how I'm gonna live with sugar.

The book starts with a fact that Nancy Appleton, the author of this book, was sugarholic which means she was addicted to sugar. First, I was surprised because I didn't know the existence of "sugarholic" and I thought craving for sugar was something that many people had. And then she explains what sugar addiction is and what happens in your body when you eat too much sugar.

I hope I can use knowledge that I will get from this book in my life. And I also hope I won't hate sugar when I finish reading this book!

5 件のコメント:

  1. Ooooh this book looks intersting! I used to be a total sugarholic, who
    literally needed some sort of sugary food in during the day to feel "normal",
    so it took alot of physical and mental effort to get off of the habbit of
    eating sugar all the time. I am interested in how
    body is effected by sugar so ill probably actually check this book
    out somntime!

  2. I also like eating sweet stuff ,even being addictive to that like I drink Coke instead of water. So I'm very concerned with your book. I would not be able to stop taking in sugar anyway thogh lol

  3. The book you've chosen looks very interesting. I've also wondered how I should live with sugar, so I look forward to hearing the report form you and hope to get some idea what I should do with it:)

  4. The book title "Suicide by Sugar" have a huge impact for me. When I saw it first, I was very suprised and at the same time my attention was engaged by the title.
    As you said, many people like sugar and there are a lot of food related to sugar like sweets. So, people should think about the effect of sugar in order to be in good health. Please tell me the details of the book after you read it.

  5. Sugar has always been around me too! Ive gotta be careful...
