

Food Culture Quiz

Today, I took an online quiz about food and I wanted to share my score and some information about food that I got to know through doing this quiz.

If you would like to take the quiz before you see some answers below, Click here

And my score was...

I wasn't too satisfied with this result because it was below average😭 But still, I was able to gain some knowledges about food.

First, I thought I definitely knew the answer when I saw the question "What is a chipotle?".  I clicked the answer "A Mexican restaurant chain that serves huge burritos" because I've been there when I was in the US and I loved it. But I was totally wrong! Chipotle was a smoke-dried jalapeño pepper! Then I suddenly remembered that the symbol mark of Chipotle was a pepper and everything made sense. 

Second, I got to know how to clean a cast iron skillet. When you clean a cat iron skillet,  rinse it with hot water, use an abrasive sponge and a little salt as needed. I knew we shouldn't use soap but I don't know why they said to use salt...Please tell me if you know!

And third, this is the answer I was surprised by the most. Strawberry isn't technically a berry!! There were 4 choices I could choose, which were banana, strawberry, blueberry, watermelon. I think nobody would think strawberry is not a berry. Strawberry is considered as "accessory fruit" and banana, blueberry, and watermelon are considered as "botanical berries". They reproduce in different ways.

Good thing about this quiz is that there are wide variety of questions from the ingredients to how you cook, I think.

Hope you will get some knowledges from taking this quiz ☺︎

2 件のコメント:

  1. I was also surprised at strawberry.
    This quiz tell me a lot of new things about food.
    Your score is better than me:)
    I should study more about food culture.

  2. I also thought the quiz of strawberry was very tricky! I immediately chose banana without considering watermelon but I was taken aback seeing the answer lol
