

NPO in the UK and Japan

Hi everyone!
I will be writing about "Food For All" and "Second Harvest Japan" in this post.
They are both NPOs that help people basically through foods.

<Food For All>  
It's a charity group based mainly in London. They distribute meals to people like homeless, disadvantaged, financially challenged, for free. Its activity is different from other food distribution charity group and their main aim is to enable homeless people to get new skills and become self-reliance. 

<Second Harvest Japan>
It's a Japan's first food bank started in 2000. They get foods, which have to be thrown away  for some reasons even though they still can be eaten, from company, farmer, or individuals. And then they distribute those foods they have collected to people who need them. 

<What are the main activities or events that these groups carry out?>
Food For All
food bank
eco garden 
cooking meals for people 

Second Harvest Japan
food bank
cooking meals for people
bringing food to people

<From what you saw on their web sites, what surprised or interested you the most?>
I was interested in when they started their activities. Food For All has been doing it for more than 20 years and Second Harvest Japan just started in 2000. From these, I thought food bank (and other activities too)has been more popular in England than in Japan.

<How would you be able to offer help to either organisation -- as a volunteer or supporter?>
I would be one of those people who cook meals. Donating money is a good way to support, but I think actually doing something for people who need help would make them feel our support more than just giving money to them.

<Which group seems to be more active? Why do you think so?>
Food For All. I looked at both schedules and found that Food For All does food distribution everyday except Sundays, while Second Harvest Japan does their activities 4-5 days a week.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Your information is so detail. I think Second Harvest Japan is the most active, but your thinking is opposite. Your reason is very clear.
