

The Wall Street Journal


I picked up three articles that had connections with food from The Wall Street Journal.

1. "For Pets, It's Fat Thursday With Pies, Dressing Under the Table"
This article was talking about pets' obesity. Today, more than half of dogs and cats are overweight because owners feed them human food, especially on Thanksgiving holidays. And they don't always realize that human food can be harmful for animals and their pets are suffered obesity. Because of these problems, dogs and cats have to work out and lose weight like human do. Even personal trainers for animals, doggy fat camps, and canine fitnesses exist.

2. "U.N. Says 2015 Likely to Be Warmest Year on Record"
As you can see from this title, United Nation said the year 2015 is the warmest year on recored. So now, the period 2011 to 2015 has been the warmest five years on recored. It was caused by the effects of El Nino and global warming. The global average surface temperature rose to 14.73℃, about 1℃ hotter than pre-industrial era.  
Obviously, if the temperature keeps going up, crops won't grow well. And there have already been drought in the U.S. and they cannot harvest crops.

3. "Work for Robots" (one of the sections of article "A Blocked Path to Development")
According to this article, sales of industrial robots have been increasing and will probably keep increasing, especially in Asia. And it was talking mostly about India. In India, many people lost their jobs because robots were used instead of people.
It might be a little silly to say, but I was thinking when I read this article, what if robots make all the foods we eat in the future, like in factories, restaurants, farms, and everywhere. And I don't want that to happen!

1 件のコメント:

  1. Why don't you want that to happen? If everything is safe, clean and healthy, then it's amazing, isn't it? Because all you have to do is just to sit and eat! haha
