

Restaurant Evaluation

I went to restaurant called "Mame-cha" with Sherry, Fumio, and Minori today. We were gonna go to different restaurant first, but there was nothing at where it was supposed to be... so we had to find another restaurant and we did find a good one!

Basic info about this restaurant:


When we entered the restaurant, the first impression was great for me. This man welcomed us with smile. It was not like big voice or anything but I felt very comfortable and warm. 
Then we sat down, the server came to take orders. We asked her what we should eat when we want to have enough meal for each one of us, and she brought different menu which had what exactly we wanted on it. Then we asked her if there was any dish that had meat, egg, or dairy products. She said there was one dish that had egg in it but we could change it to different dish that had no egg in it. 
And when we left the restaurant, the male staff who welcomed us when we came in thanked us politely and he even came outside of the door and bowed until we went far. 

2.Food and price

I ordered Kaisen-don which costed 1944 yen.

It was like a dinner set, so there was miso soup, kaisen-don, pickles, chawan-mushi, warabi-mochi. This dinner set had savory-looking, and they were just delicious (except pickles. I've always hated pickles.haha). Although I usually don't like chawan-mushi, I liked this one. It was very aromatic from dried bonito flakes and it was very smooth, like mousse. Kaisen-don was of course wonderful. And wasabi-mochi, too. I was full after eating them. And I think 1944 yen including from main dish to dessert was reasonable price. It was under our budget which was 2500 yen.

3. Ambience and facilities

There was a lot of kinds of tables and seats like tatami, tables and chairs, and so on. Light was not too dark, not too bright, it was just right. And music that was bing played was just right too. The combination of light and music made the atmosphere in the restaurant very cozy and comfortable. And that made us want to stay there forever... we stayed there much longer than we were planning!
I used restroom in the restaurant and it was not perfect but it was clean enough so that was good.

My total evaluation:
Service ★★★★★
Food ★★★★★
Ambiance ★★★★★
Total average score ★★★★★!!

This restaurant was much better than I expected even though we found it by chance. I would definitely go back there as punter.

And finally I put video that I made from picture we took today.

Thank you for reading!

2 件のコメント:

  1. Kaisen-don seems to be very tasty. I want to eat it just looking the photo.

  2. Your video is good:) And I agree your evaluation of this restaurant!
